The American Psychology Association defines Psychology as the scientific study of the mind and behavior. Through the years if the said practice, it has been subject to many misconceptions regarding its real nature as well as of its practitioners. Still, its many discoveries on the human psyche are one of the fun things about it.

Here are a few interesting psychology facts that you definitely need to know.

  1. 01A gene is the cause of one being negative almost all the time.
  2. 02Good liars are also the good ones in detecting lies from others.
  3. 03Tearing the paper off drink bottles is a sign of sexual frustration.
  4. 04The type of music you listen to has an impact on your perception of the world.
  5. 05Having positive and happy people around you can keep you happier.
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Psychology Facts Infographics

Psychology Facts Infographics

Everything your mind says has an equivalent reaction from the cells in your body.

It is the reason why amounts of negativity eventually take your immune system down and make you feel sick.

Sarcasm is a sign of a healthy brain.

People who could instantly use sarcasm in response to a trivial question have healthy minds. Moreover, those who could understand cynicism well are also good at reading people’s minds.

‘Catching a yawn’ shows empathy.

Yawning upon seeing someone else yawn is a common occurrence, despite not feeling tired nor sleepy. One theory on its contagiousness is that people ‘catch’ it to show empathy.

Hence, toddlers and young people with autism are less likely to have the symptoms as they have yet to learn compassion.

Tears indicate the reason for one’s crying.

If the first teardrop came from the right eye, the person is crying tears of joy. Otherwise, the person is crying tears of pain.

A person still has 7 minutes of brain activity upon dying.

In those moments, they see their memories in a dream-like sequence.

The length of your tongue tells something about your sexual curiosity.

If you could lick your elbows, then it means that you are more willing and open to trying new experiences